Books for children who need them.

I believe all children should have books. Reading is fundamental and can have lifelong benefits.

Growing up, my mother never had the opportunity to read much, and as someone who wanted to read and had all the books in the world, I want to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else. To make a difference, I wanted to take all the spare books I had, and donate them to village kids that didn’t have any. In my neighborhood, we have lending libraries where everyone can exchange books for free, and the shortage of reading is never a problem here. 

i thought about my mom and how she grew up with no books to speak of, just the bible and the occasional romance novel some tita brought home and everybody shared  many kids in america kids in america have a similar situation but I have a special connection

My plan is to help kids starting with teachers in the rural;philippines

Marcus Dalander
Founder and student